Banking & Credit Union
Case Studies


63-branch bank sees retail and business portfolio growth take off

In just 3 years, a community bank with $2.2 billion in assets adds almost 6,000 retail accounts

Average openings nearly double each year for more than 5 years

12-branch bank with $836M in assets gains +12,000 net new retail accounts

Big gains in account openings four years and counting

9-branch bank with $827M in assets gains +5,500 new retail accounts

Explosive portfolio, deposit growth

10-branch bank increases retail accounts more than 70%, business more than 80%, in less than four years

Growing retail, business accounts for more than 13 years

7-branch bank sees sustained results in new accounts, net deposits

Incredible per-branch results in retail and business

6-branch bank opens 350 retail checking accounts per location in just five years